Saturday, June 8, 2013

Julia Cook

Author, Julia Cook came to visit us from Fremont, Nebraska. Julia was an elementary school counselor who wanted to find books for kids about real issues kids were facing. Julia couldn't find any books like that, so she wrote her own! Julia has now written over 45 books for children. In the book in the picture, Julia teaches us some ways not to lose our temper and turn into a soda pop head! Julia introduced us to her dog friends, Jake and Angus. Julia used the dogs to talk frankly to the students about "scoopers" who are strangers who pick up children. Some of our teachers are using Julia's books in the classroom. They are reminding them not to be a "tattle tongue" or let their "mouth be a volcano". The school bought an entire set of her books to use with students at school.

Julia told students, "Who is better to write a book for fourth graders, than a fourth grader?" Some students rose to the challenge and since then a group of students have been meeting together with a parent volunteer to write their own book. 

For more information, check Julia's website - You can order books and see what Julia has been up to. Look for Julia's books in the FM Library.

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