The future is here. We need to figure out how to navigate it.
More data is added every hour to YouTube than all of the info in the Library of Congress.
Every two years the speed of the bandwidth doubles.
What about over stimulation?
Students are getting the same amount of face-to-face time as they always did, but now they never disconnect. Technology is wonderful, but it is not everything. The brain, like any other muscle needs time to work hard, but it also needs time to relax.
For the last seventy years each generation is smarter than the previous one.
IQ is going up, but creativity is going down.
Kids do so much better when they learn in the environment they are used to. Those students who spend 4-5 hours watching tv or playing video games should learn that way.
Must Haves
Cloud - collaborative and assistive
Flipped Classroom
Digital Resources
Mobile Learning
We can catch up to our students in technology.
Find stuff. Learn, find knowledgeable friends, websites, beg, borrow ideas
Learn yourself
Encourage others.
Extended Keynote: "Common Core and Digital Education"
Handouts should be on AEA website
ISTE-NETS - maps out what you should be mastering in technology - teachers, students, administrators etc.
Four Types of Ways to Communicate
1. Professional- needs to be proofread
2. Productive - doesn't have to be in proper form
3. Personal
4. 140- texting culture
Common Core Language
Produce- Docs, presentation, Spreadsheet, SketchUp, Go!Animate, Pixlr- photo editing,
Screen Capture - Jing, Camtasia, videotapes your screen, whatever you do and say
Explain Everything - app for iTunes, Infogram, wevideo, Animoto,
Publish - blogs, ePubs (File or mats publishing companies use), Google sites, blogger, gives
purpose to writing, creating content for Wikkipedia, YouTube, (unlisted means it's not
searchable), Facebook ( the world's worst privacy policy - steamiest underbelly of all)
Collaborate - Voice Thread, Quizlet - digital flash cards, Diigo,
Evaluate - WOT - Web of Trust - used to verify websites
Present - Prezi, Edcanvus, Mindomo, Cacoo- the best concept map ever
Integrate- LiveBinders
Enhance - Nearpod,
Are we a Google Apps for Education school?
I talked to Ryan Loots, Thomas Jefferson HS. He encouraged me to explore the Google Chrome store. He sent me an email showing two tools: one to limit distractibility and one to read text aloud.
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